New Perspectives in Pediatric Liver Transplantation
Room: Montréal 5-8

S3.2 Family perspective of managing the psychosocial aspects of transplant


Me, Veronique, mother of my handsome son, Mathis Auclair 15 years old who have been diagnosed with liver cancer a year and a half ago, received a liver from a cadaveric donor in November 2021. He has been in remission from his cancer since February 2022. Life was a hazard of difficult ordeal, moments of sadness, anger, laughter and positivism. We are happy to share our human-to-human moments with you.

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Sunday, October 15, 16:00-18:00 Monday, October 16, 07:00-18:00 Tuesday October 17, 07:00-12:30

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